Welcome to the City of Malibu Development Portal
What Would You Like to Do Today?

Initiate your rebuild with the Malibu Rebuild team
You can request assistance with the rebuild process here.

Initiate Planning Applications
You can apply online for a new, revised submittal or substantial conformance application.

Building Safety
Initiate a Permit or Plan Check Applications
You can apply online for a Permit or Plan Check application.

Manage My Projects
You can review your projects in a flexible grid format. You may search by project number, type, address and more.

Building Permits
View Building Permits
Search by address to view Building Permits in OnBase.

Building Inspections
Schedule Inspections
Provide the project site address, permit number, type of inspection, day and date for inspection, contact name, and phone number.

Public Documents
View Documents stored in OnBase
Through OnBase, the community can research and access a variety of City documents online, including recorded documents, City Council and Commission agendas, minutes, and resolutions, as well as building permits, geology reports, and septic approvals.

Short Term Rentals
Apply for a short-term rental permit
You can apply for a new short-term rental permit or renew an existing permit online.

Open Code Enforcement
View Open Code Enforcement Cases
Search by address to view open Code Enforcement cases.